Think of something you have put off or something you keep telling yourself you'll do "tomorrow," "later," or "one of these days." Select one thing you have been procrastinating about and explain the following: 1.) one thing you have been procrastinating about, 2.) why you think you've been procrastinating on doing this thing, and 3.) what plan you have to work toward accomplishing this thing to no longer put it off. This "thing" does not have to be school-related!
To inspire you, read through the following poem:
Each morning he'd stack up the letters he'd write...tomorrow.
And think of the friends he'd fill with delight...tomorrow.
It was too bad, indeed; he was busy today and hadn't a minute to stop on his way.
"More time I'll give to others," he'd say...tomorrow.
But the fact is he vanished and faded from view and all that he left when the living was through was a mountain of things he intended to do...tomorrow.
~Unknown Author